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  Title Copies
Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines (3rd Edition) 
Edition: 3 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0321077067 
ISBN 13: 9780321077066 
The Making of Belize: Globalization in the Margins 
Year: 1998 
ISBN 13: 9780897895835 
Call No: F1443.S88 1998 
Treasures of a century : a collection of Belizean twentieth century poetry 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 9768197021 
ISBN 13: 9789768197023 
Caribbean Freedom: Economy and Society from Emancipation to the Present 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 9768100176 
ISBN 13: 9789768100177 
Public Administration in Theory and Practice 
Edition: 1 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 0137393849 
ISBN 13: 9780137393848 
Call No: JF1351.C66 1994 
The Secret of Influenship: How to achieve the world's most desired thing 
Year: 2020 
ISBN 13: 9798672804453 
Depression to Decolonization: Barclays Bank (DCO) in the West Indies, 1926-1962 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9766401985 
ISBN 13: 9789766401986 
Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers (5th Edition) 
Edition: 5 
Year: 2009 
ISBN: 0273712071 
ISBN 13: 9780273712077 
Call No: HD30.23W566 2009 
Rex Nettleford: His Works - An Annotated Bibliography 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 9766400539 
ISBN 13: 9789766400538 
The Birth of the Modern World, 1780 - 1914 
Year: 2004 
ISBN 13: 9780631236160 
Call No: D295.B28 2003